Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lime Fries!

Yup, Lime Fries with an exclamation point!

I'm not a photographer.

Finally!  I've made ze lime fries!  I first came across these tasty sinful things a few months ago when we had food trucks in town for the Soap Box Derby. The food trucks were one of the main attractions- we don't have of them thar fancy food vee-hickles in our city, so this was a real treat!
 I filled up on a mac n cheese bbq concoction from one truck; but, as we were leaving I spotted another truck which had lime fries. I was in lurve, and so excited to tell everybody about them! They’re salty and sweet and limey and fry-ie. Kinda like key lime pie fries. So, I decided I had to make them for myself.

 I even kept the uneaten ones in the toaster oven well past their prime just so I could continue to examine -and hopefully figure out what they’re made of... and I think I’ve got it!

The great part, it’s tssuper tssimple!  


zest of 2 limes
1 ½ tbsp turbinado sugar
⅛ teaspoon kosher salt
few drops fresh squeezed lime juice
fries of choice

First things first: prepare your fries! The food truck served them with regular white potato fries- which were fried (duh.) I decided to make them with sweet potatoes- and to bake them, because that's what I had, baking is easier and I thought it'd look pretty!

So promising!
Sadly, this is the best the fries looked all night. I burned the bejeesus out of them (I prefer 'char') 
because in the last few minutes of cooking, I decided that was the best time to go ransack my craft closet for some plastic lacing. I found it! I also sorta ruined my sweet potato fries. :(  Which sucks, because they’re the vehicle for the lime goodness. You can't cook if you're not in the kitchen... and mom always said don't play ball in the house... and, well, you know. Stuff like that.

You should mix this up.
While your fries are baking, mix up the lime topping! Mix the zest, sugar and salt in a bowl. Add a wee little bit of lime juice, just to make it stick a little and make it even lime-ier. Voila! That's pretty much it. And yes, you do need to use turbinado sugar- or some other large crystal sugar. If you don't, then it won't have the heft to stick to the fries and you'll end up with more of a syrup (I think?). If you don't have any around the house, then just take a few packets from your local coffee shop. Problem solved!

To Serve: just sprinkle the lime-y sugar topping onto your hot fries, and enjoy!

Note: You really can't cook while you're not in the kitchen (unless you're baking bread... or using the slow cooker... or, well, utilizing some other 'walk away' recipe/method of cooking). During this tippity type I had to run to the kitchen to save my dinner from burning.... again. Sigh. :)